The Talking Jesus course has been used right across the UK in all different churches, in villages, towns and cities. So many different denominations have found it effective. It has sparked great conversations and enabled many people to find their voice and understand their calling to be a witness to those they know and meet.
“Hope’s creative and strategic resources couldn’t have been produced at a better time. The ideas are extremely useful as we face the challenges of a sustained programme of evangelism, church-planting, discipleship and social action”
“Jesus tells us to ‘Go!’ and gives us family, friends and colleagues who are open to hearing more about faith. This course will inspire Christians with the confidence to talk to people about following Jesus”
“Now I feel confident talking about my walk with Jesus. I’m not very good at speaking up and can never seem to find the right words. As a Christian I tend to avoid mentioning church at all to my non-church friends. That’s what the Talking Jesus course changed for me. The videos were like windows; like being able to spy on yourself. Objectively watching yourself avoiding telling people the good news. Why? For me it was lack of confidence, but the course gave me the tools to address this, the words needed and the motivation along with a safe place to have a go. The biggest change for me is that I now look and pray for opportunities to talk about Jesus and the amazing difference he has made to my life”
“I now feel I have been given a toolkit to use in all sorts of contexts, and I have had some fantastic conversations as a result. I know now that my job is simply to talk Jesus – the rest will be up to God!”
“The response to the course has been more than I could have hoped for. One man in his 50s, a regular at Sunday church but still young as a believer, spoke of having had three conversations with people he has met while walking his dog. Another older man spoke of how he has taken the opportunity to speak of his faith and hope in Jesus when asked about his treatment for cancer. All those at the course have spoken of how they are praying for the five names they wrote down on week one, and many have now had opportunities to speak to some of them about Jesus”